Varicose ulcer and varicose vein surgery How are we doing?

Úlcera varicosa y cirugía de várices ¿Cómo nos va?

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Juan Fernando Muñoz
Luis Eduardo Mendoza
Oswaldo Ceballos
José Mercado Rosa


Objective: to describe the characteristics of patients with venous ulcer taken to surgery for varicosafenectomy at the Hospital de San José from January 1 to December 31, 2006. Methods: 23 patients with active UV were considered who were taken to varicosafenectomy in 2006 in the Hospital of San José; the information was taken from the variables of the clinical histories, tabulated in an Excel sheet, making frequency tables and bivariate analysis. Results: cicatrization of the ulcer in 100% with an average time of 1.5 months (0.59) and average follow-up of 2.84 months. No difference was found between the variables analyzed and the healing time. Conclusion: with the present study we can reaffirm the utility of surgery for the management of UV when the cause is superficial venous insufficiency. Abbreviations: UY, varicose ulcer; IVC, chronic venous insufficiency; CEAP, clinical, etiology, anatomy and pathology.



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