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Reflections on the academic and social significance of the Doctor of Medicine

Trascendencia académica y social del MD: algunas reflexiones

Reflection Articles

How to Cite
Murrain Knudson, E. (2016). Reflections on the academic and social significance of the Doctor of Medicine. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 25(3), 187-191.



Elizabeth Murrain Knudson

    Given the various situations that have occurred in the last 20 years in the health care of the Colombians, and analysing how these situations have changed the ‘perception’ of medical work, some arguments are set out to remember the importance, meaning and value of this profession in the social development of the whole nation. This leads to reflections that are filled with respect and recognition of the hundreds of doctors of medicine who daily dedicate their lives to better fulfil their professional responsibilities. They do this without filling up the communication media or the daily comments of users of the health services, or trying to hide obvious situations of the dehumanisation, mediocrity and technocratisation of some doctors, who are far from being the majority.

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