Nursing care for the adult diabetic experiencing hypoglycemia: an integrative review
Cuidados de enfermería para la persona adulta, diabética con hipoglucemia: revisión integrativa
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Introduction: hypoglycemia is the most common complication of insulin therapy in adults. Events of severe hypoglycemia are associated with short, medium and long term complications in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). One of the strategies to reduce the frequency of hypoglycemia is nursing interventions and although there are few studies that explicitly describe them, there are publications on the needs of such patients which allow the determination of defining characteristics of nursing diagnoses from which to establish goals and nursing care interventions for these patients. Objective: to identify nursing care interventions to prevent and control hypoglycemic events in adult patients diagnosed with DM. Methodology: an integrative review was conducted in six phases: posing the PICOT question; search in databases and metasearch engines; critical reading; analysis, classification, validation by level of evidence and degree of recommendation, and data presentation. Results: the review reported five categories: risk and protective factors, fear of hypoglycemia, care provided to the patient, decrease in hypoglycemia and description of the impact of hypoglycemia on patients. Conclusions: Based on the needs reported in the resulting five categories, defining characteristics and related factors were determined allowing the formulation of nursing diagnoses and identifying the following as the main nursing interventions for hypoglycemia management, teaching of the disease process, prescribed medication, assertiveness training, hypoglycemia management, nutritional and medication management, improving coping, individual teaching, facilitating learning and empowering the willingness to learn.
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