Successful term delivery case of laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage performed at first trimester of gestation
Cerclaje transabdominal con abordaje laparoscópico en el primer trimestre con nacimiento a término
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Preterm birth is a major cause of neonatal mortality and antenatal hospitalization.
Cervical insufficiency constitutes a risk factor for premature birth. This article aims
to describe a case of cervical insufficiency managed with laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage. A case is presented in a 37-year-old patient with septate uterus corrected by hysteroscopic surgery and a failed transvaginal cerclage with a preterm stillbirth as a result of severe prematurity in her first pregnancy. A laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage was done during her next pregnancy resulting in a healthy, full-term (38 weeks) newborn who weighed 2840 grams. Conclusions: laparoscopic cerclage in pregnancy has a high success rate with minimum complications and reduced blood loss and hospital stay. It is a feasible and safe technique for patients with cervical insufficiency and is effective in specific circumstances such as previous failed vaginal cerclage.
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