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Obesity: a problem in Covid-19 care

Obesidad: un problema en la atención de Covid-19

Reflection Articles

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Rosero, R. J., Polanco , J. P. ., Sanchéz , P. ., Hernández , E. ., Pinzón , J. B. ., & Lizcano , F. . (2020). Obesity: a problem in Covid-19 care. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire.



Ricardo Javier Rosero
    Juan Pablo Polanco
      Pedro Sanchéz
        Eder Hernández
          Juan Bernardo Pinzón
            Fernando Lizcano

              Ricardo Javier Rosero,

              Internista y Endocrinólogo. Clínica de Obesidad, Dismetabolismo y Deporte (COD2), Clínica Las Américas, Medellín, Colombia.

              Juan Pablo Polanco ,

              Internista y Epidemiólogo. Clínica de Obesidad, Dismetabolismo y Deporte (COD2), Clínica Las Américas, Medellín, Colombia.

              Pedro Sanchéz ,

              Internista y Endocrinólogo. Clínica de Obesidad, Dismetabolismo y Deporte (COD2), Clínica Las Américas, Medellín, Colombia.

              Eder Hernández ,

              Internista Clínica de Obesidad y Síndrome Metabólico. Hospital Universidad del Norte Barranquilla, Colombia.

              Juan Bernardo Pinzón ,

              Endocrinólogo y Epidemiólogo Clínico. Centro Médico Carlos Ardila Lulle, Bucaramanga, Colombia.

              Fernando Lizcano ,

              Endocrinólogo. Centro de Investigación Biomédica, Universidad de La Sabana (CIBUS), Colombia.

              Currently the world is going through one of the worst health crises secondary to the infection by a new highly transmissible and deadly coronavirus, which has impacted multiple aspects. It has been generally established that the severity of the infection is associated with old age and comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes. On the other hand, obesity at this time represents one of the greatest threats to the health sector, due to its strong relationship with morbidity and mortality at the cardiometabolic level which leads to a high cost of the disease. This article seeks to warn about what some experts have
              called the “clash of two pandemics”, this given the increasing prevalence of obesity worldwide, where our country is not exempt, which could be related with a greater number of people vulnerable to COVID-19 infection and related respiratory complications and thus avoid catastrophic outcomes.

              Article visits 14622 | PDF visits 12856

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