Comparative study on the COVID-19 contagion rate during the mandatory quarantine and during the gradual and controlled reopening of some sectors of the economy in Colombia
Estudio comparativo entre el contagio durante la cuarentena obligada por el COVID-19 y el contagio durante la apertura gradual y controlada para algunos sectores de la economía en Colombia
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Introduction: the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been declared by the World Health Organization as a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). Cases have been reported on all continents and the first case in Colombia was confirmed on March 6 2020. The infection may occur when a sick person coughs or sneezes and expels virus particles that come into contact with other people. Objective: to report on a comparative study on the COVID- 19 contagion rate during the mandatory quarantine and during the gradual and controlled reopening of some sectors of economy. Materials and Methods: the database including people infected with Covid-19 was used. This information corresponds to the obligatory quarantine between March 25 2020 and April 26 2020 and from April 27 to May 29 2020 with the gradual and controlled reopening of some sectors of economy. The t-student test was used for independent samples analysis in the SPSS v.25 statistical package. Results: the number of people infected with COVID-19 was higher during the global and systematic reopening of several sectors of economy; the t-student statistical data analysis showed evidence for rejecting the null hypothesis; thus, the rates are different. Conclusions: the strategy includes extending mandatory preventive isolation for specific groups while the entire population remains in quarantine.
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