Nutritional situation of boys and girls in early childhood in the department of Guainía-Colombia
Situación nutricional en la primera infancia en el departamento de Guainía-Colombia
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The pressing situation of neglect of children in the country, which is reflected in the nutritional problems of early childhood children in the Colombian territory, represents a subject of great concern as it deals with the population of the nation's future. The present investigation sought to identify the nutritional status of children under 6 years of age in the Guainía region based on anthropometric information obtained from the only health service provider in the region. Through an analytical cross-sectional study, it was found that the male sex is slightly more affected (51.01%), the majority residing in its capital Inírida (71.74%), with a higher prevalence of moderate malnutrition (91.86%) and with statistically significant differences between age and the risk of acute malnutrition and moderate acute malnutrition, but not between sex and these same variables. It is necessary to implement actions that improve nutritional status in this vulnerable population, so this study is considered an alert for health entities in the region, given that the population is on the verge of a chronic malnutrition situation that will affect both the population and the future of the region.
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