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Student teaching processes continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic

Continuidad con los procesos pedagógicos de los estudiantes durante la pandemia ocasionada por el COVID-19

Research Article

How to Cite
Díaz Pinzón, J. E. (2020). Student teaching processes continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 108-112.



Jorge Enrique Díaz Pinzón

    Jorge Enrique Díaz Pinzón

    Ingeniero. Magister en Gestión de la Tecnología Educativa, Especialista en

    Administración de la Informática Educativa. Docente de matemáticas e

    Investigador. Secretaría de Educación de Soacha, Cundinamarca, Colombia.

    Introduction: distance learning solutions and approaches which teachers have conveyed, through all means possible to the students and families, from the moment in which COVID-19 preventive isolation measures were initiated, in support of education continuity at home, is a reality that concerns us at this time to manage the situation of education delivery in Colombia.  Objective: to analyze two questions asked to parents on the types of connectivity and academic processes to continue to provide educational services to students during the coronavirus pandemic. Methodology: we worked on two research hypotheses. SPSS Statistics 25.0 and the Kruskal –Wallis Hypothesis Test were used for data processing. Results: it was determined that the related frequencies for the type of connectivity, was 475 for those who had home internet access, 83 had a data plan on their cell phone, and 22 did not have any type of connectivity, thus the great majority of the students´ families had home internet access, followed by data plans in their cell phones, which allow them to follow the teaching processes by virtual modes. Conclusion: according to the Kruskal-Wallis test assess for significant differences there was no difference between the various types of communication among parents and high school grades at the General Santander educational institution. The most widely used is home internet. Regarding to how parents prefer student academic processes to be continued they chose their children to stay home. This was evident at all high school levels.

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