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Co-infection with hepatitis a and leptospirosis in an adult with jaundice and acute febrile illness

Coinfección por hepatitis a y leptospirosis en un adulto con enfermedad febril aguda e ictericia

Case Reports

How to Cite
Orjuela Quiroga, J. E., Ochoa Calambas, E. F., Cardona Ospina, C. A. ., Ocampo Posada, M. ., & Garcés Villabón, L. . (2023). Co-infection with hepatitis a and leptospirosis in an adult with jaundice and acute febrile illness. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 32(3), 265-271.


Jhoan Emmanuel Orjuela Quiroga,

Médico General Asistencial, Universidad Javeriana Cali.

Edwin Fabián Ochoa Calambas,

Médico general - Universidad del Valle; Médico Internista - Universidad del Cauca; Clínica Versalles. Docente, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali.

César Augusto Cardona Ospina,

Médico Internista - Universidad Libre Cali, médico general Universidad del Quindío. Docente, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali Colombia 

Martín Ocampo Posada,

Médico General Universidad Santiago de Cali,  Colombia

Leopoldo Garcés Villabón,

Médico General Universidad Libre Cali, Médico Internista Universidad Libre Cali, Médico Intensivista Universidad del Valle - Fundación Valle de Lili, Docente Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali y Universidad Libre. Cali Colombia.

Introduction: coinfection with hepatitis A and leptospirosis is a frequent cause of febrile jaundice syndrome in Colombia, characterized by fever, jaundice and findings compatible with acute hepatitis. Transmission of hepatitis A is by fecal-oral route while leptospirosis results from exposure to certain animals. Treatment of hepatitis A focuses on supportive measures while that of leptospirosis is based on prompt initiation of antibiotic therapy. Co-infection with the two entities is rare.  Case presentation: patient who attended the emergency department with clinical and laboratory findings compatible with acute hepatitis A. After a torpid progression, an active search for other causes allowed finding a co-infection with leptospirosis. Discussion and conclusions: the abovementioned conditions were analyzed and a literature review was conducted. The few reports on this subject were discussed, highlighting this report for its contribution to global statistics and the importance of considering this diagnosis in the ER in a patient with a history of fever persisting for more than seven days, in order to reduce healthcare costs and to improve prognosis of patients.

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