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Anesthetic management of hysterotomy plus open in utero repair of myelomeningocele (spina bifida)

Manejo anestésico en histerotomía más corrección intrauterina de espina bífida abierta o mielomeningocele

Review Articles

How to Cite
Pinto Quiñones, I., Diaz Vergara, F., Mesa Oliveros, A., & Valero Puentes, L. . (2022). Anesthetic management of hysterotomy plus open in utero repair of myelomeningocele (spina bifida). Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 31(3), 199-205.



Isaias Pinto Quiñones

    Fernando Diaz Vergara

      Anderson Mesa Oliveros
        Laura Valero Puentes

          Isaias Pinto Quiñones,

          Jefe del Servicio de Anestesiología Hospital de San José.

          Fernando Diaz Vergara,

          Jefe del programa de posgrado de Anestesiología y Reanimación, Hospital de San José y docente asociado.

          Laura Valero Puentes,

          Estudiante de Medicina Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud.

          The correct implementation of pediatric and obstetric anesthesia is crucial to allow optimal surgical outcomes in pregnant women diagnosed with fetal myelomeningocele (MMC). The purpose of repairing MMC before birth is reducing the need of ventriculoperitoneal shunting and improving lower limbs motor function. This surgical challenge carries a greater chance of maternal morbidity, uterine dehiscence, uterine rupture secondary to hysterotomy and requiring cesarean delivery for this and all future pregnancies. This non-systematic review of the literature on anesthetic management of the mother-fetus binomial with CMM aims to socialize the best perioperative anesthesia strategy to manage these patients to the anesthesiology service.

          Article visits 1071 | PDF visits 545

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