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Prognósis of patients hospitalized due to Covid-19 who were taking angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers

Pronóstico de los pacientes hospitalizados por Covid-19 que utilizaban inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina o antagonistas del receptor de angiotensina II

Research Article

How to Cite
Sprockel Díaz, J. J., Martínez , L. O. ., Araque , E. C. ., Diaztagle, J. J. ., & Chaves , W. G. . (2021). Prognósis of patients hospitalized due to Covid-19 who were taking angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 30.



John Jaime Sprockel Díaz
    Luis Oswaldo Martínez
      Edna Carolina Araque
        Juan José Diaztagle
          Walter Gabriel Chaves

            Introduction: controversy remains about the safety of using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) in patients with COVID-19, since ACE2 receptor mediates the entry of the virus into the cell. Objective: to evaluate the association of past history of ACEIs or ARBs use with admission to the ICU or in-hospital death. Methodology: prospective multicenter cohort that included adult patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 coronavirus in three hospitals in Bogota, Colombia, between April and November 2020. A univariate analysis was performed evaluating the association of ACEIs and ARBs with ICU admission or in-hospital death. Results: 592 patients were included of whom 225 (38.0%) had hypertension, 108 (18.2%) diabetes and 50 (8.4%) chronic cardiovascular disease, 160 (27.0%) were admitted to the ICU and 107 (18.1%) died, 32% had a history of prior ACEIs or ARBs use. In the univariate analysis no association was found with ICU admission or in-hospital death, ACEIs use OR= 1.017 (CI95% 0.887 - 1.152, p=0.800), OR=1.072 (0.952 - 1.19, p=0.968) respectively; use of ARBs OR= 0.998 (CI95% 0.913-1.086, p=0.968), OR=1.045 (CI95% 0.969 - 1.122, p=0.235), respectively.   Conclusions: a history of prior ACEIs or ARBs use was not associated with admission to the ICU or in-hospital death in patients hospitalized due to COVID-19.

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