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Completed COVID-19 vaccination among the prioritized groups by territorial entitiy in Colombia

Esquemas completos aplicados contra COVID-19 priorizados por entidad territorial en Colombia

Research Article

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Díaz Pinzón, J. E. (2021). Completed COVID-19 vaccination among the prioritized groups by territorial entitiy in Colombia. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 30.



Jorge Enrique Díaz Pinzón

    Jorge Enrique Díaz Pinzón,

    Ingeniero. Magister en Gestión de la Tecnología Educativa, Especialista en Administración de la Informática Educativa. Docente de matemáticas e Investigador.

    Introduction: Colombia registered the first case of SARS-CoV-2 infection on March 6 2020. A general feeling of fear on the risk of continuing usual vaccination programs in times of COVID-19 and how this could negatively impact on the SARS-CoV-2 infection term, was also faced during the quarantine. Objective: to measure progress withSARS-CoV-2 vaccination among prioritized populations, as well as the proportion of completed vaccination and vaccination percentage of this target population, by territorial entities in Colombia, in the period from February 17 to July 26 2021. Methodology: a cross-sectional study research. Data was obtained from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection website based on the national COVID-19 vaccination plan. Results: the territorial entities with the highest population in the priority vaccination groups were: Antioquia (2’583.113), Bogota (2’077.324), Valle del Cauca (1’437.805), Cundinamarca (1’095.364) and Santander (797.740); among the territorial entities with the highest proportion of people who have received completed vaccination schedules were: Bogota (1’168.212), Antioquia (620.133), Valle del Cauca (576.283), Santander (335.015) and Norte de Santander (232.110). It was concluded that the territories with the highest vaccination percentage in the prioritized groups were: Amazonas (128%), Vaupes (119.92%), Guainia (93,6%), Bogota (56,24%) and Quindio (51, 73%). Conclusion: monitoring the results of completed vaccination at the territorial level is essential to gain understanding on the effectiveness, a possible drop of immune response over time, and the potential adverse consequences of these vaccines.

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