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Prevalence of neuropsychiatric manifestations in systemic lupus erythematosus

Prevalencia de las manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas en lupus eritematoso sistémico

Research Article

How to Cite
Velasco Castro, J. C., Neisa Morales, C. A. ., Murcia Torres, J. M. ., García Agudelo, L. ., & Vargas Rodríguez, L. J. . (2024). Prevalence of neuropsychiatric manifestations in systemic lupus erythematosus. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 33(3), 254-260.



Introduction: neuropsychiatric (NP) manifestations in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are common and have gained interest due to their increasing prevalence. Their clinical recognition is difficult because of their diverse and variable presentation. This study is focused on highlighting the forms of NP involvement for their recognition and treatment. Objective: to determine NPSLE manifestations prevalence in SLE patients aged 18 years or older. Materials and methods: a systematic review of the scientific literature in various databases, selecting cross-sectional and prevalence studies evaluating NPSLE manifestations. Results: 26 articles which met the inclusion criteria were selected, the most common manifestations being headache, seizures, cognitive dysfunction, depression, and anxiety. Other less frequent manifestations include myasthenia gravis, Miller Fisher syndrome, mononeuritis multiplex and concentration loss. Conclusion: both neurological and psychiatric manifestations studied, have a high prevalence in the total population, and are not always recognized by clinicians, lacking a timely diagnosis to determine whether they are caused by SLE disease activity on the nervous system or other end-organ dysfunctions.

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