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Jehovah's Witness Does not Accept Transfusions: Ethical Behavior of the Nursing Professional

Testigo de Jehová no acepta transfusiones: Comportamiento ético del profesional de enfermería

Original Articles

How to Cite
Castro, S. V., Rodríguez, L. A., Varela, C. J., Páez, C. M., Talero, M. R., & Venegas, A. M. (2000). Jehovah’s Witness Does not Accept Transfusions: Ethical Behavior of the Nursing Professional. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 9(2), 21-25.



Sara Viviana Castro
    Luz Adriana Rodríguez
      Claudia Judith Varela
        Claudia Marcela Páez
          María Rosalbina Talero
            Adriana Milena Venegas

              The present work deals with the ethical dilemma of the nursing professional when a patient does not accept a transfusion for religious reasons, as in the case of Jehovah's Witnesses. The priority of the nurse is to educate and care; Defining caring, as the ability to act respecting the thoughts of people, but not share. For this reason, the purpose is to design guidelines that enrich the ethical performance of the nursing professional and those in training, to provide comprehensive care to the patient, improving the quality of service in the institution.

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              1. Nueva Constitución política de Colombia, 1991.

              2. Ministerio de Salud. Resolución 1347; 1 de Noviembre de 1991. Decálogo del paciente.

              3. Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Enfermería (ACOFAEN). Código de ética de enfermería. Pag. 11-21.

              4. Esquivia R. Ponencia presentada en el seminario de Libertad de Conciencia y rechazo a las transfusiones de sangre. Defensoría del pueblo. Universidad de la Salle. Febrero de 1.996.

              5. Fitzpatric L, Fitzpatric T. (Falta titulo). Nursing. (Ario); 15: 8-15.

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