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Reaction of the nursing student facing the death of the patient in his care

Reacción del estudiante de enfermería frente a la muerte del paciente a su cuidado

Original Articles

How to Cite
Caicedo, J., Carvajal, A., García, V., González, G., Munévar, J., Mujica, N., & Sotelo, C. (2001). Reaction of the nursing student facing the death of the patient in his care. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 10(2), 29-33.



Jazmine Caicedo
    Alexandra Carvajal
      Viviana García
        Gloria González
          Johanna Munévar
            Nubia Mujica
              Carmenza Sotelo

                In order to identify the reactions of the nursing student in the face of the death of the patient in his care, during the clinical practice, a research work was carried out. The study focused on the qualitative methodology, within a particular phenomenological approach, where a workshop was carried out to five students who were studying V semester of nursing, during the first period of the year 2000, in which observation and unstructured interview was carried out, In addition to the oral and written reports of the students, elements that facilitated the collection of data. In conclusion, nursing students experience various reactions to the death of patients and do not feel prepared to face this fact, since they do not consider death as a possible end of the patient's hospitalization.

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