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Evaluation of the need for a terminology dictionary of cytopathology

Evaluación de la necesidad de un diccionario terminológico de citopatología

Original Articles

How to Cite
Puerto, M., Moreno, C., Camacho Delgado, G., & Ruíz Sierra, C. (2002). Evaluation of the need for a terminology dictionary of cytopathology. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 11(3), 80-82.



Miryam Puerto
    Carlos Moreno
      Gina Camacho Delgado
        Caterine Ruíz Sierra

          Terminological dictionaries are an effective auxiliary in the elaboration of any scientific work. Even so, in our society dictionaries are little used books as a complement and support of the knowledge provided by specialized books. In the particular case of the personnel that works in the departments of pathology and cytology, it is usual the use of diverse terms for the morphological and functional description of the cell, which entails, in some cases, the use of non-specific descriptions and / or limited, in part due to the absence of a specialized dictionary in this area. This is how the idea of ​​developing a dictionary of cytopathology, which allows to extend the area of ​​description of cell morphology and is an effective aid and an aid in the study of specific books in cytopathology. To establish the need for such a tool, a specific survey was developed, which was delivered to 50 people (pathologists, cytologists and students of cytohistology) and in which the most relevant question was the need to develop a dictionary of cytopathology. In this regard, the results showed how 90% of the respondents were in favor and 6.0% against, so that the elaboration of it is imperative.

          Article visits 415 | PDF visits 173

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