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Comparison of cytological alterations in sputum samples of active and passive smokers: Cytological findings in smokers and nonsmokers.

Comparación de las alteraciones citológicas en muestras de esputo de fumadores activos y pasivos: Hallazgos citológicos en personas fumadoras y no fumadoras.

Original Articles

How to Cite
Bermúdez Rivera, L. S. (2003). Comparison of cytological alterations in sputum samples of active and passive smokers: Cytological findings in smokers and nonsmokers. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 12(1), 19-24.



Linda Sttefany Bermúdez Rivera

    A comparison was made of the cytological alterations present in active and passive smokers, in order to verify that passive smokers are affected by exposure to smoke.

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