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Quality of life of the nursing professional in two intensive care units of Bogotá D.C.

Calidad de vida del profesional de enfermería en dos unidades de cuidado intensivo de Bogotá D.C.

Original Articles

How to Cite
Forero, S., & Naranjo, C. (2004). Quality of life of the nursing professional in two intensive care units of Bogotá D.C. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 13(1), 47-49.



Sandra Forero
    Claudia Naranjo

      This research describes and analyzes the labor factors (economic remuneration, workload, rest hours) that influence the quality of life of nursing professionals in two intensive care units (ICU) in Bogotá. It also provides elements to enrich in the future the development of new studies, laws or health policies, which not only benefit the nurse, but through him, the patient in critical conditions. The methodology used is qualitative with a transversal descriptive design. The sample consisted of 16 nursing professionals from two ICUs in Bogotá, who agreed to participate in the study after evaluating the conditions and objectives of the study. Background and reference of the work were taken into account the publications on quality of life of physicians and general dentists in Santafé de Bogotá 1998-1999 and quality of life of the nursing professional who works in the renal units of Bogotá DC 2001. The results showed a female population, mostly young, single, with hiring for rendering services, whose remuneration ranges between one and two million pesos. The rest time of this staff varies between four and five hours, which in the opinion of the respondents is not enough. The most frequent causes of morbidity were in their order: musculoskeletal injuries, acid-peptic disease, migraine, irritability or character changes. Regarding the related questions about the activities developed by these professionals during their rest time, the majority responded those of little physical activity and that you can share with your family.

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