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Peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: Environmental factors and self-care

Peritonitis en diálisis peritoneal continua ambulatoria:Factores medioambientales y de autocuidado

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Benavides, A., Vásquez, I., Alvarez Yacub, L. C., Cuello Fuentes, L. E., Diaz Zamora, W., Gutiérez Velandia, L., Henao Vanegas, J., & Ramírez Mora, S. (2005). Peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: Environmental factors and self-care. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 14(2), 88-100.



Amparo Benavides
    Ilse Vásquez
      Luz Carime Alvarez Yacub
        Leticia Elena Cuello Fuentes
          Wilson Diaz Zamora
            Lina Gutiérez Velandia
              Jineth Henao Vanegas
                Samuel Ramírez Mora

                  The general objective of the research was to describe the environmental and self-care factors present in patients with peritonitis undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, in the period between April 23, 2004 and October 1, 2004, in the renal unit of Fresenius Medical Care of the hospital of San José de Bogotá. The specific objectives were to describe the environmental characteristics, identify the present self-care factors and determine the causative microorganisms. There were 17 patients with peritonitis, one of whom died, three did not agree to participate in the study, two were transferred to hemodialysis and one changed to Baxter Laboratories. The final sample was ten (10) patients. Regarding the causal germ, three presented Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus viridians and Staphylococcus aureus. Two resulted with negative cultures. The sample corresponds to 70% male and 30% female, with an average of 51 years (standard deviation 9.57 years), 30% independent workers, 20% pensioners, 20% in home occupations, 10% in shoe stores and 20% without work, 10% professional, illiterate 10%, attended primary 50% and baccalaureate 30%. 50% belong to the stratum 2.30% to 3, 10% to stratum 1 and stratum 4, respectively. The average time in the program was 34 months (with standard deviation 34.47 months), with a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 120 months. In their entirety they perform peritoneal replacement themselves. Those who presented peritonitis were associated with low schooling, a factor that would limit the learning of self-care. The verbal education given to relatives and the patient in the DPCA program does not ensure adequate care. The socioeconomic situation is one of the limitations of self-care, since it prevents the acquisition of essential elements such as disposable towels. Several continue to develop inappropriate actions that put them at risk of getting an infection, which is usually due to feeling better and want to continue with the lifestyle they had before becoming ill.

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