Conisation with radiofrequency handle: Experience at the San José Hospital
Conización con asa de radiofrecuencia: Experiencia en el Hospital de San José
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With the aim of evaluating the experience of the Hospital de San José in cervical conization with radiofrequency loop, a retrospective, transversal and analytical investigation was carried out with 390 patients who underwent this procedure in our hospital between April 1998 and March 2004 The evaluated variables were: age, risk factors for cervical cancer, cytological, colposcopic and histological diagnosis of both the directed and cone biopsy, post-conization management and complications and complications. The predominant age range was from 26 to 35 years in 39% of the cases; 73% were carriers of high-grade lesions and 14% of low-grade lesions by histological diagnosis prior to the cone, 12% of the patients presented discordance in cytology - colposcopy - biopsy and 3% with suspicion of occult injury were submitted to the procedure. The histological correlation biopsy vs. Cone was 74%. In 82% the cone was sufficient, 14% of the cases presented compromised section borders, 3% positive endocervical cube and 2% curettage of the positive cone bed. 23.6% of the patients underwent complementary treatment after conization, of which 75% were taken to an enlarged abdominal hysterectomy and 5% to reconception. The frequency of complications was very low (6.7%). It was concluded that conization of the cervix with radiofrequency loop is an effective surgical technique for the diagnosis and therapy of cervical intraepithelial neoplasms.
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