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Transfusion criteria (Shannon) for premature babies: Use and compliance in the newborn unit, Hospital de San José

Criterios de transfusión (Shannon) para prematuros: Utilización y cumplimiento en la unidad de recién nacidos, Hospital de San José

Short Article

How to Cite
Junco, J., Haydar, B., & Espinosa, F. (2006). Transfusion criteria (Shannon) for premature babies: Use and compliance in the newborn unit, Hospital de San José. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 15(4), 188-192.



José Junco
    Beatriz Haydar
      Fabio Espinosa

        Objective: to describe the use and compliance with the transfusion criteria (TR) of Shannon in the newborn unit (RN) of the Hospital of San José. Method: descriptive, retrospective observational study, which included 67 premature newborns who required RT at the San José hospital between June 2004 and June 2005. The dependent variable was the hematocrit level (Ht). Results: the most frequent Ht level was in the group of 21 to 30%, the averages of the gestational age at birth and the average weight were 30.4 weeks and 1,305 g. The Ht variable was crossed with the rest that are part of the Shannon transfusion criteria, finding that the only patient with Ht level below 20% did not meet criteria, 36 between 21 and 30% met 100% of the criteria established and 19 between 31-35%, were transfused fulfilling the criteria. The group with a level higher than 35% did not have transfusion criteria. None of the transfused patients presented complications. Conclusion: 83.58% of the preterm infants who were transfused met the established criteria (Shannon), while 16.42% did not. The question was posed: Would implementing the Shannon transfusion criteria as a protocol in the newborn unit of the San José Hospital reduce this percentage? Abbreviations: TR, transfusion (s); RN, newborn; AP, anemia of prematurity; Hb, hemoglobin; HT, hematocrit.

        Article visits 475 | PDF visits 965

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