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The older adult at the end of life: Bioethics perspective

El adulto mayor al final de la vida: Perspectiva bioética

Research Article

How to Cite
Quintero Pacheco, L. V. (2008). The older adult at the end of life: Bioethics perspective. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 17(4), 217-221.



Luis Vólmar Quintero Pacheco

    Old age as an increasingly frequent and complex situation in our time, has been the subject of multiple studies from different points of view. A broad view shows three key facts that affect this situation: population aging, technical-scientific progress and the emergence of bioethics, which with its own methodological analysis manages to broaden the understanding of the dilemmas characteristic of this stage of life , such as the rethinking of the objectives of the treatments offered by the health personnel, the changes in the doctor-patient relationship and the evaluation of mental competence for decision-making.

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