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The university: A scenario to transform the social conscience of professionals?

La universidad: ¿Un escenario para transformar la conciencia social de los profesionales?

Research Article

How to Cite
Murrain Knudson, E. (2009). The university: A scenario to transform the social conscience of professionals?. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 18(1), 29-35.



Elizaebth Murrain Knudson

    In the present work I share some proposals that allow us to reflect on the mission of the university and vindicate the role it plays as a training institution for socially conscious subjects, strong human values ​​that respect, promote and make them evident in each and every one of its acts that not only respond to the needs of the world of work but also take on new challenges and bring growth, development and social, political, economic, technical and scientific transformation at the local, regional and global levels. This is what our universities have done during the 20th century, allowing the advance and development of Colombia in the cities, in the regions and even contributing brilliant brains to other nations. The work develops two themes: 1) the pedagogical and epistemological teachings of Plato and 2) the scientific illiteracy in which the university education has fallen. Finally, I relate these issues to the training of nursing professionals, how university education should be transformed and the influence on the current nurse to be evident through being, knowing and knowing how to do.

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