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Approach to the theoretical knowledge of nursing on residual renal function

Aproximación a los conocimientos teóricos de enfermería sobre función renal residual

Research Article

How to Cite
Isaza Moreno, D. C., Martínez Cautiva, S., & Quintero, L. (2009). Approach to the theoretical knowledge of nursing on residual renal function. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 18(4), 237-245.



Diana Carolina Isaza Moreno
    Santiago Martínez Cautiva
      Lila Quintero

        The residual renal function represents for some nurses of renal units an indifferent term in their daily relation with the chronic renal patient, although their decline has a direct effect on morbidity and mortality. Objective: to describe the theoretical knowledge about RRF, of the nurse who works in dialysis programs. Methodology: The first phase was the design of the instrument with validation of appearance and content by five expert professionals, proposing a final questionnaire with four domains and 25 questions. In the second phase, a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out through the application of the instrument to eleven nurses from a UR in Bogotá. Results: of the 11 82% (9) are women and 18% (2) men, 64% have postgraduate training and the average time of work experience in renal unit was five years. Those who presented the highest number of correct answers have an average age of 34.6 years and the median of work experience of six years, in contrast those with the highest number of incorrect answers are of 29.5 and three years. There were more correct answers in the domain of preserving residual renal function and less in the items that assess malnutrition and anemia (55 and 64%). The domain with the lowest frequency of correct answers was the scientific technician (determination of the FRR with collection and measurement of interdialitic urine) with 82 and 45%. In the FRR preservation domain the responses were incorrect in ultrafiltration and sudden changes in blood volume, in 82 and 73%. Conclusion: the results show the need to review some theoretical concepts and it is proposed to develop academic activities to strengthen them to contribute to provide better nursing care to patients in dialysis therapy. Future studies are required to evaluate if there is a relationship between the knowledge of the RRF and the practice exercised by the nurse to preserve it. Abbreviations: FRR, residual renal function; UR, renal unit (s).

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