Does the process of nursing self-care generate greater adherence to treatment in kidney transplant?
¿El proceso de enfermería de autocuidado genera mayor adherencia al tratamiento en trasplante renal?
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The nursing process is an instrument created by professionals in this discipline to improve the quality of care and promote patient outcomes. When nursing diagnoses are used to establish objectives and select interventions, the result is a holistic and individualized care plan that will respond to the specific needs of the patient. It is necessary to show the evidences of the actions to follow with the transplanted patient observing the environment, sociocultural environment and physical and human resources, oriented from the expertise and scientific knowledge. The present review intends to identify and systematically evaluate the literature regarding adherence to treatment of those with kidney transplantation, based on nursing care processes based on the self-care model. Abreviahtras: AC, self-care.
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