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Sarcopenia versus Cachexia

Sarcopenia versus Caquexia

Review Articles

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Bermúdez, M., Becerra, R., & Galvis, J. C. (2015). Sarcopenia versus Cachexia. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 24(1), 7-15.



Mónica Bermúdez
    Rodrigo Becerra
      Juan Carlos Galvis

        Chronic diseases and age are associated with deterioration of nutritional status, loss of mass, muscle strength, alteration in quality of life and increase in morbidity and mortality. The definition and criteria to differentiate cachexia from sarcopenia are reviewed. It is important to investigate the factors associated with loss of fat reserves and muscle tissue in both situations, to develop therapeutic and preventive strategies in healthy adults and with pathologies. The European consensus (2010) on alterations in muscle mass determined the criteria for differentiating cachexia and sarcopenia. The first was considered a late and inevitable complication of different chronic pathologies. Recent clinical and experimental evidence indicates that the mechanisms involved in its appearance operate early and suggest appropriate interventions that could prevent or delay the onset of this syndrome.

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