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Frequency of DNA-HPV-HR by automated PCR method (COBAS®) in our cervical patients from a population in Proboquilla-Cartagena, Colombia

Frecuencia de DNA-HPV-HR por método automatizado PCR (COBAS®) en nuestras cervicouterinas de una población en Proboquilla-Cartagena, Colombia

Research Article

How to Cite
Puerto de Amaya, M., Olaya, M., Pérez, C. H., Falla, S., & Castillo, N. D. (2014). Frequency of DNA-HPV-HR by automated PCR method (COBAS®) in our cervical patients from a population in Proboquilla-Cartagena, Colombia. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 23(3), 209-214.



Miryam Puerto de Amaya
    Mercedes Olaya
      Carlos Humberto Pérez
        Sofía Falla
          Nicole Daniela Castillo

            Objective: to determine DNA-HPV-HR by automated PCR method (cobas®) in cervical samples from a population in Proboquilla, Cartagena, Colombia. Methods: series of cases of women who attended the campaign where conventional cytology was taken and a second sample in a vial to determine HPV-HR DNA through the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: 31 samples of cervico-uterine cytology were collected, the PCR test was positive in six; 4 cases with simple infection and 2 with multiple infection. One of the latter was positive for the three groups (HR-HPV, HPV-16, HPV-18) and the other for two (HR-HPV and HPV-18). Conclusion: a group of women infected with HPVs classified as high risk, with simple and multiple infection, who were referred to gynecology. HPV-HR infection was confirmed in 5: 7 cytology results classified as ASC-US.

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