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Frequency of DNA-HPV-H in atypical squamous cells. Case series: ASC-US and LSIL

Frecuencia de DNA-HPV-H en células escamosas atípicas. Serie de casos: ASC-US y LSIL

Research Article

How to Cite
Puerto de Amaya, M. B., Olaya Contreras, M., Rey Cediel, K., Diaz Jiménez, K., & Pérez M., C. H. (2014). Frequency of DNA-HPV-H in atypical squamous cells. Case series: ASC-US and LSIL. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 23(2), 121-126.



Miryam B. Puerto de Amaya
    Mercedes Olaya Contreras
      Karen Rey Cediel
        Katherinne Diaz Jiménez
          Carlos H. Pérez M.

            Objective: to determine the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) infection by high-risk human papilloma virus (DNA-HPV-H) and the presence of morphological change with atypia in the cytology of women working in a hospital and an educational entity. Methods: series of cases of cervical uterine samples with conventional and liquid-based cytologies, and PCR for DNA-HPV-H; Patients who had one or more positive results in cytology (ASC-US and LSIL) were included. Results: DNA-HPV-H typing was positive in 12 of 41 cases. A greater number of cytologies with cellular atypia were observed in the range of young women (22-49 years), compared with the largest ones (50-72 years). The positive cases for DNA-HPV-H in both conventional and liquid-based cytology were similar. There were 11 with simple infection and one multiple positive for high risk (HPV-H and HPV-16). Conclusions: CRP identified 12 patients infected with HPV at high risk, 11 with simple and multiple infections; The group that predominated was HPV-H (9 cases), followed by HPV-18 subtype (5) and HPV-16 (1). Abbreviations: ASC-US indeterminate atypia of squamous cells; ASC-H, atypia that does not rule out high grade; HPV, human papillomavirus; LSIL, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; HSIL, high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.

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