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The molecular fundamentals of cancer

Bases moleculares del cáncer

Review Articles

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Monzón, O. G., Mora Padilla, E., Torres Tobar, L., Gutiérrez, L. D., & Rubi, C. (2011). The molecular fundamentals of cancer. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 20(4), 210-216.



Otto Gabriel Monzón
    Edmundo Mora Padilla
      Lilian Torres Tobar
        Luz Dary Gutiérrez
          Cladelis Rubi

            Cancer is a disease featured by the abnormal proliferation of neoplastic cells mainly given by genetic and epigenetic alterations. The various functions of cells are controlled by the genes encoded in the DNA, thus, alterations in the ge­ nes encoded for the proteins involved in the cell proliferation cycle may be involved in a cascade of events which lead to the development of a cancer phenotype. Malignant transformation requires alterations to occur in specific genes which control cell proliferation, apoptosis and maintenance of the DNA integrity in the cell itself. Mutations may be inherited or may sporadically occur, they may be base substitutions, additions, deletions or epigenetic changes. This article reviews the molecular concepts involved in cancer progression.

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