Pulmonary isolation: an excelent alternative to address atrial fibrillation
Aislamiento pulmonar: excelente alternativa ante la fibrilación auricular
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Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a fast and irregular heart arrhythmia that starts in the atria. The rate may range from 400 to 700 beats per minute. It is the most common continuous arrhythmia in humans. Its prevalence is around 0.5% according to the study population and reaches up to 8% in elders. AF-related morbidity, mortality and economic burden are significant and will increase as elderly population increases. Until not long ago, therapy was based on pharmacological AV node blockage using antiarrhythmic and anticoagulant agents. Although electrical cardioversion is associated with a high immediate success rate, the majority of patients may have relapses with only the remaining 23% maintaining a normal sinus rhythm a year after the procedure. Recently there has been great interest in pulmonary vein isolation. This technique consists on inserting a multielectrode catheter and mapping the os of the pulmonary veins to identify the venoatrial attachment occupied by muscle bands extending from the Ieft atrium to the pulmonary veins. Discon nection of these muscle fibers is enabled by applying radiofrequency energy to these areas. A review of the appropriate technique was conducted when handling one patient at the Hospital Cardiovascular del Niño de Cundinamarca.
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