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Closure of persistent arterial duct in preterm newborns. use of IV diclofenac sodium - Hospital de San José Bogotá DC.

Cierre de Ductus Arterioso persistente en neonatos pretérmino uso de diclofenaco sódico endovenoso, hospital de San José, Bogotá DC

Research Article

How to Cite
Albornoz, S. P., Campo, J. M., García, R. D., Florián, Y. del C., & Romero, H. (2012). Closure of persistent arterial duct in preterm newborns. use of IV diclofenac sodium - Hospital de San José Bogotá DC. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 21(1), 45-50.



Sandra Patricia Albornoz
    José María Campo
      Rubén Darío García
        Yosiris del Carmen Florián
          Héctor Romero

            Persistent arterial duct (PAD) increases the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage, necrotizing enteropathy, bronchial/ pulmonary dysplasia and death. lndomethacin is considered the preferred drug for pharmacological closure of PAD. Diclofenac sodium is used as an alternative due to import-related restrictions for indomethacin in our Objective: use of IV diclofenac for PAD closure in preterm newborns at Hospital de San de José, Bogotá, from February 2007 to June 2010. Design and Methodology: this is a descriptive retrospective study conducted in 38 preterm newborns O to 20 days after birth who have been diagnosed with PAD, hemodynamic repercussion, and/or major diameter greater than 2 mm, who received diclofenac for pharmacologic closure. Results: closure was achieved with only one cycle in 81.5%. 65.8% required less than seven days of ventilatory support. Major complications were renal and neurological, with few adverse reactions. Conclusions: diclofenac showed a good rate of PAD closure with few adverse effects, thus it can be considered an alternative to handle this condition when standard therapy is not available. Nonetheless, we consider new comparative studies are necessary in order to obtain relevant conclusions.

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