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Clinical assesment of the music perception test camp in implant users and normal- hearing subjects: a pilot study

Estudio piloto de la prueba de percepción musical camp en implantados y normoyentes

Research Article

How to Cite
Plaza Ruiz, A., García, J. M., & Izquierdo, J. C. (2012). Clinical assesment of the music perception test camp in implant users and normal- hearing subjects: a pilot study. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 21(2), 87-97.



Adelaida Plaza Ruiz
    Juan Manuel García
      Juan Carlos Izquierdo

        The CAMP test, created by the University ofWashington for English-speaking implant users and normal-hearing sub­ jects was evaluated in the search to provide a standardized music perception assessment for Spanish-speaking subjects. Objective: to determine administration difficulties when Spanish is the native language. Method: a cross-sectional study developed to examine three aspects of music perception: pitch discrimination threshold, melody recognition  and timbre recognition. Commands were translated into Spanish in order to run the program. Results: Five subjects were recruited three of them men (60%). The median age was 42 years (IR 40 to 43). The average time of auditory deprivation was 60 months (IR 36 to 60). The average time of implant use was 12 months (IR 6 to 108). The median for pitch discrimination by frequencies for 262 Htz was 3.61 (IR 2.17 to 4.28), for 330 Htz 3.72 (IR 2.94 to 4.28) and for 391 Htz 5.5 (IR 4.17 to 8.56). The median for melody recognition was 8.33% (IR 5.56% to 13.89%) and timbre recognition, measured by instrument recognition was 33.3% (IR 20.83% to 45.83). The control group included seven normal-hearing individuals, 4 were women (57.14%) and mean age was 31 years (IR 18 to 44). In this control group, the median for pitch discrimination by frequencies for 262 Htz was 1 (IR 0.67 to 3.39), for 330 Htz 0.94 (IR 0.5 to 4.39) and for 391 Htz O.72 (IR 0.61 to 3.22). The median for melody recognition was 69% (IR 33.33% to 83.3%) and timbre recognition was 62.5% (IR 45.8% to 75%). The majority of individuals assessed (10 out of 12) self-administered the test with no help from the examiners, ouly two required sorne assistance to handle the program, but understood it and were able to complete the test. Of the 3 musical aspects evaluated, the most difficult was melody identification. Conclusions: The CAMP test for music perception is easily applied in Spanish-speaking normal-hearing individuals and cochlear implant users when instructions translated into Spanish are available.

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