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Prostate carcinoma: preoperative factors related with extra prostatic extention and positive margins Hospital de San José, Bogotá DC. Colombia

Carcinoma prostático: factores prequirúrgicos asociados con extensión extraprostática y márgenes positivos hospital de San José, Bogotá DC, Colombia

Research Article

How to Cite
Yaspe Costa, E., Silva Morera, C., & López Correa, P. (2012). Prostate carcinoma: preoperative factors related with extra prostatic extention and positive margins Hospital de San José, Bogotá DC. Colombia. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 21(2), 126-131.



Edgardo Yaspe Costa
    Carolina Silva Morera
      Patricia López Correa

        Prostate cancer is a leading cause of mortality thus adequate staging is of incalculable value for minimizing surgical treatment complications. The objective of this study performed at Hospital de San José, Bogotá DC from January 2001 to December 2007 is to describe the preoperative data of patients with a prostate adenocarcinoma with extraprostatic extension and/or positive margins treated with an open radical prostatectomy. The Gleason score, pathologic TNM  stage, presence or non presence of extraprostatic extension and positive surgical margins ofthe prostatectomy specimen were determined in    34 part1C1pants and related with preoperative factors such as age, PSA level, clinical TNM stage and biopsy Gleason score. The medi_an age was 64.2 years (SD 6). The rate of positive surgical margins and extraprostatic extens1on was 44% and 47% respecttvely. A greater surgical margin compromise and extraprostatic extension was observed when the Gleason score was 8 or higher

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