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Metabolic syndrome: scope of therapeutic goals. Family medicine outpatient clinic at a healthcare institution (IPS) in Bogotá

Síndrome metabólico: alcance de metas terapéuticas consulta de medicina familiar en una IPS de Bogotá

Research Article

How to Cite
Goyeneche, H., Ardila, R., Villamil, P., & Moncayo, A. F. (2013). Metabolic syndrome: scope of therapeutic goals. Family medicine outpatient clinic at a healthcare institution (IPS) in Bogotá. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 22(2), 98-107.



Helber Goyeneche
    Rubiela Ardila
      Patricia Villamil
        Andrés Francisco Moncayo

          Previous works on controlling the major components of the metabolic syndrome (MS), have reported significant results on reducing overall cardiometabolic risk although it usually proves insufficient in clinical practice. Objective: to describe the scope of therapeutic goals in patients with MS seen at the family medicine outpatient clinic at an IPS in Bogotá DC. Methods: a descriptive retrospective study was performed; MS patients older than 20 were identified  in electronic medical records from May 1 to October 31 2008; an 18-month follow-up was conducted. Results: 79 patients were eligible, predominantly females (64.5%); 69.6% belonged to the mature adult group;. mean age was 54.5 years (SD 9.3); 84.8% (n 67) were in the medium risk group and 15.2% (n 12) in the high risk group. At first follow-up, 64.5% and 58.2% met the targeted blood pressure and serum glucose goals as well as the cholesterol goals, LDL, non-HDL-C and HDL-C in 54.4%, 32.9% and 11.3%. Only 30% (n 24) attended a second follow-up visit and met blood pressure and serum glucose goals in 66.6% and 41.6%, and LDL-C, non-HDL-C and HDL-C goals in 45.8%, 45.8% and 4.1%. Waist circumference measurement goals were not met. Conclusions: goal achie­ vement was high compared to other available reports, although this data is not representative for it corresponds to only 30.7% of the initial records. Further studies are required to determine the real goal scope enabling effective intervention policies to be implemented.

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