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Complete coronary artery bypass grafting in a patient with dextrocardia

Revascularización miocárdica completa con injertos arteriales en un paciente con dextrocardia

Case Reports

How to Cite
Lárez , V. ., Mantilla Zambrano, J. M. ., Santis García, E. A. ., Olaya Rodríguez , H. ., Acosta Peláez, J. D. ., Sánchez Cantillo, J. de J., & López Fernández, A. F. . (2023). Complete coronary artery bypass grafting in a patient with dextrocardia. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 32(2), 168-172.



Veronique Lárez
    Juan Miguel Mantilla Zambrano
      Edwar Alonso Santis García
        Héctor Olaya Rodríguez
          Juan David Acosta Peláez
            Jorge de Jesús Sánchez Cantillo

              Azael Felipe López Fernández

                Jorge de Jesús Sánchez Cantillo,

                Medicina Interna, Cardiología

                Introduction: dextrocardia is a rare congenital heart abnormality. Although the incidence of coronary heart disease is similar to that in the general population, few cases have been documented in the literature. Anatomic variants in this anomaly are a challenge when planning the surgical technique and the choice of graft configuration to be used. Case presentation: a 59 -year- old patient with 2-vessel coronary artery disease who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting.

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