Index of surgical management in gynecological cancer patients during the covid-19 pandemic: a proposal for patients during the covid-19 pandemic: a proposal for institutions and gynecological onchology professionals institutions and gynecological oncho

Índice de manejo quirúrgico en pacientes con cáncer ginecológico durante la pandemia por Covid-19: Propuesta para instituciones y profesionales en ginecología oncológica

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Alexander Rodriguez Gallego
Luis Orlando Puentes Puentes
Jairo Mendoza Quevedo
Marcela Valencia Franco


The world is experiencing a coronavirus pandemic called SARS-COV-2 which causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19). This has led to a collapse in health systems, making the management of other diseases a challenge. Similarly, the presence of this disease generates many doubts for oncological groups regarding the provision of standard treatments, which should be carried out as soon as possible, in order to ensure better oncological outcomes.
We propose the creation of an index (COVID 19 Cancer Index) taking into account clinical and epidemiological variables and the availability of hospital resources, which are useful for decision making and determining the best treatment for a patient with confirmed or strongly suspected gynecological neoplasia.



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