Pneuma: colonial prescription effective in treatment of dyspnea

Pneuma: receta colonial eficaz en el tratamiento de la disnea

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Eduardo Andrés Tuta Quintero
Ignacio Briceño Balcazar
Julio Cesar Martinez
sofia Barrera-Murcia
Carlos Pacheco-Cuentas


Introduction: The historical archive Cipriano Rodríguez Santa María from the Universidad de La Sabana, has multiple medical prescriptions that were used by doctors and apothecaries in the New Kingdom of Granada. One of them prescribes cocoa to decrease symptoms generated by respiratory system conditions, among others. Objectives: To describe the analysis of a medical prescription used between the 18th and 19th centuries for the treatment of dyspnea. Simultaneously, describe the therapeutic properties of cocoa due to current scientific evidence. Materials and methods: Documentary search in the Cipriano Rodríguez Santa María Historical Archive of the Octavio Arizmendi Posada Library from the Universidad de la Sabana. Transcription and analysis of the document called “ahogo”, a literary review, and the actual original texts, without a time limit. Results: The medical prescription describes the characteristics of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) as a phytotherapeutic agent. With anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties provided by components such as oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid, flavonoids, among others. It also has theobromine which has bronchodilator and antitussive effects. Conclusions: The colonial historical legacy preserved in the local archives allows a rational understanding of the properties from the herbal agents used for diseases and associated symptoms. There is scientific evidence supporting the use of cocoa to reduce the symptoms associated with dyspnea. Despite this, the little or no description of the dosage and side effects makes it difficult to analyze the effectiveness of this tradition. Consequently, its efficacy cannot be scientifically established.


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