relationship of vo2 max consumption and muscle mass amiong adults living in altitudes over 2600 MAMSL

Relación del consumo de VO2pico y el porcentaje de masa muscular en adultos que habitan sobre 2600 M.S.N.M

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Juan Carlos Galvis Rincón
Juan Carlos Arévalo Pérez


Introduction: the decrease of muscle oxidative capacity with aging appears to play an important role in old age and is observed to decline by 50%. Changes in arterial oxygen dynamics related to muscle metabolism and sarcopenia are evidenced in high altitudes. Objectives: to determine if there is a relationship between VO2 max and muscle mass, physical activity and BMI, in adults living in altitudes over 2600 MAMSL. Methodology: descriptive cross-sectional study in older than 50 years subjects without sarcopenia, who had lived in Bogota, Colombia for at least one year. Subjects with hormone replacement therapy or high blood pressure during this test, coronary artery or valvular heart disease or conduction disorders, were excluded. Physical activity was determined applying the Ainsworthy et al. survey, body composition by bioelectrical impedance analysis and VO2max by ergospirometry. Results: sample size was 21 participants. Half of the population showed a VO2 max of 23.7 ml/k/min, BMI of 27.2g/m2 and muscle mass of 35.5%. A low correlation between VO2max and muscle mass was evidenced. Half of the healthy population had a VO2max of 28.9 ml/k/min, healthy sedentary subjects 23.7 ml/k/min and sedentary subjects with risk factors 21.6 ml/k/min. Conclusions: this study showed a low correlation between muscle mass and VO2 max. However, these results could have been influenced by the sample size and other factors.



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