Dynamics and relationsip of COVID-19 infection after SARS-COV-2 vaccination plan rollout in Colombia

Dinámica y relación del contagio del COVID-19 después de iniciado el plan de vacunación contra el SARS-COV-2 en Colombia

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Jorge Enrique Díaz Pinzón


Introduction: since the first cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) were identified in December 2019, the resulting pandemic has account for more than 130 million confirmed cases and more than 2.8 million deaths worldwide, as of April 6 2021. Objective: to show if there is a correlation between COVID-19 infections and SARS-COV-2 vaccination from February 17 to May 17 2021.  Methodology: the information was obtained from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection website, based on COVID 19 infection and SARS-COV-2 vaccination daily reports for said period. Results: the p-value for the tests for COVID-19 infection and vaccination variables is 0.000, which is less than α =0.01, thus, the hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, which means that the Pearson correlation test indicates that there is a relationship between the number of COVID-19 infections and vaccination against SARS-COV-2 in Colombia. Conclusion: since vaccination against COVID-19 was started in mid-February 2021 in Colombia, there has been no evidence of a decrease in the number of COVID-19 infections. This study provides the first data in the country on how the SARS-COV-2 vaccine impacts the population.



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Author Biography

Jorge Enrique Díaz Pinzón, Secretaría de Educación de Soacha

Ingeniero. Magister en Gestión de la Tecnología Educativa, Especialista en Administración de la Informática Educativa. Docente de matemáticas e Investigador.


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