Necroética: the dead body and his posthumous dignity

Necroética: el cuerpo muerto y su dignidad póstuma

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Boris Julián Pinto MD
Ana Isabel Gómez MD
Juanita MArulanda
Andrés Hernán León


The attribution of human dignity and fundamental rights has been preached almost exclusively in relation to the person who can express interests, display autonomous decisions and assume responsibilities. In this article we defend the thesis according to which it is possible to attribute the notion of posthumous dignity to the dead person, from which rights and obligations derive in the treatment of his corpse and histopathological components, as well as referring to the validation of his interests, wishes and beliefs expressed in life, which is ratified by the regulations in force in our country. Based on the concept of necroethics, we support the community nature of death, and the practical implications of the recognition of posthumous dignity in the teaching of medicine, the performance of autopsies for medical-forensic purposes and the disposition of bodies for public exhibition.



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