Psychiatric manifestations in patients evaluated in a university hospital during the COVID-19 mandatory locdown

Manifestaciones psiquiátricas en pacientes atendidos en un hospital universitario durante el confinamiento obligatorio por la pandemia de COVID 19

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Carlos Edgardo Rodriguez Angarita
Mauricio Villamizar Durán
Nisrin Yaber Abdala Galvis
Santiago Tijo Torres


Introduction: it is not the first time that humanity faces the catastrophic consequences of a pandemic. One century ago, the world confronted the Spanish flu pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic, rapidly spread in a globalized and interconnected world, causing significant impact on the death toll and economics, and important mental health sequelae. Objective: to characterize the main psychiatric manifestations in adults evaluated by a university hospital psychiatry service in Bogotá, during the mandatory confinement implemented to contain the COVID-19 pandemic (20-03 to 01-06/2020). Materials and methods: a retrospective observational cross-sectional study analyzing the most frequent psychiatric manifestations in 122 patients. Results and discussion: a substantial reduction (47.7%) in the number of consultations, compared to pre-pandemic levels, was evidenced. The average age was 51.7 ± 22 years, (60.7%) males, 42.6% unemployed and 92.6% belonging to the health contributory regime. The most frequent symptoms reported were anxiety (35.2%), depressive disorders (32%) and delirium 23.7%; suicide attempt rate (12.3%) was higher than in a previous emergency service study. None of the patients presented COVID-19 infection. Conclusions: the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown decreased the demand for psychiatry services. Anxiety disorders, depression and suicide attempt were the most frequent symptoms, in accordance with expected trends. The development of telepsychiatry services is required to address emergencies in the future.



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Author Biography

Carlos Edgardo Rodriguez Angarita, Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud

Jefe de la División de Salud Mental. Hospital Infantil Universitario de San José. Profesor Titular Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud.


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