Second symposium sdc Pr-Chagas project

Segundo simposio sdc proyecto Pr-Chagas

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Oscar Mendoza


For the Society of Surgery of Bogotá, Hospital de San José, it is an honor to have had the presence of Dr. Josep Brugada in the framework of the Second Symposium SDC, sudden cardiovascular death, of the PR-Chagas project, funded by Colciencias and organized together with teachers from the University Foundation of Health Sciences.

Chagas disease is one of the diseases transmitted by vectors of greater importance in public health in the country, especially by the manifestations of the chronic phase that affect the heart. The vector of the disease is the triatómino, a type of hematophagous insect that is distributed in different regions of our country, putting at risk of infection to about 8 million of our compatriots generating a significant prevalence of chagasic cardiomyopathy in various departments, being consistent with statistics from the World Health Organization which estimates that there are around 10 million infected people in the world, with 700,000 to 1,200,000 of the infected population in Colombia, making us an important niche for the development of research about this disease.



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