Segmental osteomies of the maxilla: Surgical experience at the Hospital of San José de Bogotá

Osteomías segmentarias del maxilar superior: Experiencia quirúrgica en el Hospital de San José de Bogotá

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María Alejandra Taborda


The segmental osteotomies used for the correction of occlusive alterations are a therapeutic alternative with respect to orthodontics, in patients who seek immediate results and in those where other treatment is contraindicated. The technique has clear indications and its use has increased, due to the safety and modernization of the procedure as such. A descriptive-retrospective study was carried out, in order to show the experience using the technique in patients of the institution, and in this way, extend its use and achieve its standardization. Four patients were taken, who underwent segmental osteotomies during the period between January 1998 and January 2000, whose common diagnosis was Angle's class 111 syndrome, in addition to other types of occlusive pathologies. The results obtained with the technique were satisfactory and the one-year follow-up showed no complications. It was concluded that the technique is a safe procedure, with optimal results, if it is carried out by professionals with adequate training.


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