Work placement of graduates of the faculty of nursing

Ubicación laboral de los egresados de la facultad de enfermería

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María C. Melo B.
Liliana P. Moreno H.
Luz A. Piñeros S.
Consuelo M. Rodríguez B.


The purpose of this research is to identify the work placement of graduates of the Faculty of Nursing of the University Foundation of Health Sciences and their performance in the fields of training established in the professional profile. To develop this work, data was collected from the archives of the faculty, between July 1994 and June 1999, with a total of 363 graduates, of which 166 were located and 111 responded. The graduates (73%) in the years of 1996-1998 with age limits between 18-41 years (average of 26 years), are located in Santafé de Bogotá, with an average socioeconomic level, in greater percentage; in the care, teaching and management fields, 92% work. The academic level of the graduates is adjusted to the reality of the country and the training given by the faculty is adequate.


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Ley 100 de Diciembre 23 de 1993.

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Ley 266 de 1996.

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