Ethics and nursing

Ética y enfermería

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Olga Muñoz
Lila Quintero
Josefina Mejía


In the professional practice, it is common to listen to constant references to ethics, but how much do you reflect on this topic? It is necessary the integration of the ethic as a basis to act, especially in areas that have to do with the management of human beings, since ethics is the science that studies the behavior and reflection of human behavior, explains the reasons for the acts of man and his changes, through time, for the benefit of society. Due to technological advances, scientific and dehumanization in health, the need arose about 10 years ago to reform the study of ethics.


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Article Details


1. Balderas P. Maria de .la Luz. Etica de Enfermeria. Editorial McGraw-Hill, Mexico. I 998.

2. Rumbold Graham. Etica en Enfermerfa. Mc Graw-Hill, Mexi­co. 2000.

3. Fray Sara T. La Etica en la practica de enfe1111erfa. Consejo Internacional de Enfcrmeras. Gincbra Suiza. 1994.

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