Nursing intervention in sex education: Experience with preadolescents from 9 to 13 years old

Intervención de enfermería en la educación sexual: Experiencia con preadolescentes de 9 a 13 años

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Ángela María Abril
Heidy García
Adriana Martínez
Norma Morales
Mónica Pulido


The objective of the research was to demonstrate the importance of the intervention of the nursing professional in the sexual education of preadolescents, for this purpose a school was chosen in the south of Bogotá. The study was carried out through the Participatory Action Research (IAP), a methodological design that allows interaction between the researcher and the community to identify the needs and find possible solutions. A series of workshops were held in which the fifth grade students of the morning, their respective teachers and the researchers of the research participated; These were aimed at meeting needs and providing tools to preadolescents so they can face this stage of their lives with greater security and confidence in themselves and in others, favoring intra and interpersonal relationships. At the end of the series of workshops, behavioral changes and self-reflection were observed in relation to the topics discussed in the workshops, evidencing the results of the final survey. This research analyzed the role of the nursing professional in sex education programs interacting with the teachers of the educational centers and their students, with the aim of reinforcing and improving the current sexual education program, taking the human being as a biopsychosocial being.



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