Brain-cardio-pulmonary resuscitation of the adult patient in the emergency service: Protocol of care in a tertiary hospital, E.S.E.

Reanimación cerebro-cardio-pulmonar del paciente adulto en el servicio de urgencias: Protocolo de atención en un hospital de tercer nivel, E.S.E.

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Yolanda Vallejo
Jorge Hernán Vega
Ángela María González T.
Maribel Penagoz
Giovanny Peña B.
Olydayana Puentes C.
Luz Mery Villabla T.
Diana Sofía Villarraga


The present investigation was carried out to determine the activities performed by the interdisciplinary team of the emergency department of a third level hospital during the process of resuscitation of an adult patient. Information was collected from a sample of 38 people through the application of a survey and checklist. The results obtained with the application of the instruments report that in this service there is an exclusive room for cardio-pulmonary brain resuscitation, that the medicines and elements to carry out the resuscitation process are sufficient and that two to four people are involved, led by the doctor It is important to highlight that during the data collection it was detected that in this institution there is no continuous education or training on the resuscitation process, so it was necessary to design and socialize a protocol that serves as a model of organization and functioning to bring the cardio-pulmonary brain resuscitation process and thus strengthen the previous knowledge, experience and skills of the interdisciplinary team. The cardio-pulmonary brain resuscitation protocol contains theoretical bases on cardio-respiratory arrest, the types of resuscitation, the pathophysiology of cardio-respiratory arrest, the steps to follow in the process of basic and advanced resuscitation, with the assignment of activities that must perform each of the members of the interdisciplinary team, to carry out a successful resuscitation.


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