Comments on arterial hypertension: Report of the seventh joint committee for its prevention, detection, evaluation and treatment (JNC7)

Comentarios dobre hipertensión arterial: Informe del séptimo comité conjunto para su prevención, detección, evaluación y tratamiento (JNC7)

Main Article Content

Carlos Roselli Sanmartín


This article reviews the new delineations of the Seventh Joint Committee for the prevention, detection, evaluation and treatment of arterial hypertension, emphasizes the novel aspects about them and compares them with the previous reports of the committee. The comments made about it are intended to lay solid foundations for understanding the current treatment of high blood pressure, formulated by American experts and able to apply them to our population. We received the seventh report ("express") of the expert committee on hypertension, called the JNC and we compared it with the penultimate one (the 6) known in 1997. Remember that this is an analysis done by experts (around 40) in where the literature is reviewed with important statistical information, and recommendations are given to the medical community for the management of hypertensive patients.


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Article Details


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