Aseptic technique of the bladder catheter

Técnica aséptica del paso de sonda vesical

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Paola Andrea Diaz Lozano
Nidia Gabriela Garzon Mojica
Carlos Fredy Infante
Sergio Frederik Piratoba
Johana Catalin Rodriguez Clavijo
Lady Heliana Rodriguez Lopez


We investigated the knowledge, attitudes and practices of nurses in the handling of aseptic technique during the passage of bladder catheter in a third level hospital of complexity, based on the protocol that the institution has on the procedure. The work was framed within the parameters of qualitative research, taking as reference the model of knowledge, attitudes and practices (CAP). To this end, a survey was developed that, once validated, was applied to 24 nurses and 67 auxiliaries who work in adult patient care services and the data was processed using the SPSS program. For each of the items, a comparative nursing-auxiliary nursing analysis was made, taking into account the difference in the level of training. The general results reported that 90.1% of all respondents know the existence of the protocol and 18.7% have not read it carefully. The comparison showed a better level of knowledge and attitudes in the professionals, but better practices in the assistants. The population surveyed in its entirety considers that using aseptic technique during the passage of bladder catheter is essential to avoid possible infections, which allows to assume a positive attitude towards the procedure. In general there is a good level of knowledge about the technique, but there is a deficit as to what to do in special situations even though they are included in the recommendations chapter of the hospital protocol.


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