Myxoid liposarcoma in the popliteal gap: Presentation of a case and review of the literature.

Liposarcoma mixoide en el hueco popliteo: Presentación de un caso y revisión de la literatura.

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Juan Carlos Bonilla Jassir


This is the case of a middle-aged woman with no relevant history who presents a fast-growing mass in the left popliteal fossa, cyfically and radiologically interpreted as a soft tissue neoplasm, well circumscribed, possible lipoma vs. fibrohistiocytic tumor. The study of surgical pathology corresponds to a myxoid liposarcoma. Reports of the literature call attention to the presence of this type of tumor in the popliteal fossa. Therefore, we recommend considering this diagnostic possibility in masses located in this anatomical region.


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1. Enzinger And Weiss. Soft Tissue Tumors. Fourth Edition 641: 693, Mosby 2001.

2. Rosai And Ackerman. Surgical Pathology. Ninth Edition 2280: 2281, Mosby 2004.

3. Fletcher Christopher D. M. Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors. Second Edition 1480: 1485, Churchill Livingstone 2004.

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